Saturday, July 14, 2007

Royal Wedding

Remember "Royal Wedding" with Fred Astaire?

Although it was filmed waaaay before my time I remember watching it (and dancing along) with my Mom when I was a child.

I loved Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly movies. If you are visiting this blog, I'll bet you did, too!

Here is some memorable dialogue between Annie (Astaire's love interest) and Tom (Fred Astaire):
Annie: Do you like to dance?
Tom: Yes, yes! Its hard work but its fun. What made you decide to dance?
Annie: Oh - a very silly reason!
Tom: How silly?
Annie: Well, when I was 11 I fell in love for the first time with a boy much older
Tom: 12?
Annie: No, 13! His name was Alonso. I was so happy that suddenly all I wanted to do was to dance. So, I figured that if I danced when I was happy that I should be happy if I danced.
I used to close my eyes and pretend I could dance all over the floor, walls and even the ceiling.

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